Ruth Tillman Designs

Ruth Tillman Designs

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mosaic Project

I was asked by my kids school to make 2 round glass mosaics for the front entrance of the school.  They would be put up and featured in an upcoming episode of Curb Appeal: The Block on HGTV.  The initial idea was to do two E's for Edison Elementary (to keep it easy) but, as many of you know, I decided to complicate things a bit.  I choose an E and an otter, the school mascot.

The first thing I had to figure out was how to create the pieces ahead of time and make them so that the folks from Curb Appeal could take them and put them up.  They are being attached onto two roundels on the wall that protrude so, mounting them on cement board was out of the question for fear of them sticking out to far.  I finally found mosaic mesh.  I printed out my pictures, took frosted window film and laid that over the picture and taped the mesh onto that.  I was then able to use Weld Bond glue to glue the tiles down and create away!  After the glue dried the window film pulled away easily.

As you can see from the pictures we had a bunch of kids helping with it.  The show wanted to tape us working on the mosaics so I set up a table in front of the school and we went at it.  Kim and Chip were there for the taping.  What wonderful spirited people they were!   What an amazing project for all of us to be involved in.  Thanks Curb Appeal! (Finished result to come in the Fall after the show airs.)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Dear Ruth~
I am so proud of you, and this project is just too cool. You are, as always, a wonder.